Success Story

Insurance Business


virtual event

sessions available


registrant to attendee


1 month

turn around

from inception to live event

"My events team as well as other teams that manage our events across the business are all really impressed and excited about the Stova system."


Prior to using Stova, event planning was not centralized at this financial services company, which was leading to inconsistencies in the overall quality of event related communications to customers and staff.

In addition, a lot of time the response methods were very archaic and manual, with respondents having to take time out of their day to compose an email response or make a phone call.

The distribution methods also varied and were disjointed, with planners using basic emails with a PowerPoint slide or PDF invitation, or various third party tools. Therefore, brand guidelines were also not being adhered to and there was no company-wide view of events being run.


Initially, the financial services company was attracted to Stova for its affordability, 24/7 global support, ease of use and for its robust set of planning tools. However, the most important criteria was that Stova could meet all the very strict security protocols in relation to privacy, information security and, in particular, customer data and how and where it's stored.

"Being an insurance company that is traditional and very risk averse, it took a very long time to get this process through all of the IT and legal channels, however, the team at Stova was consistently with us throughout the almost two-year period that it took to get this finalized," says the Head of Sponsorship & Events for the financial services company.

Today, staff and customers alike say Stova had made registering and attending a company event simple and easy. Staff also use the marketing tool to send out personalized and informative invitations to delegates.

With events requiring international travel for large groups, detailed registration forms can collect all necessary travel information, team and group activities, medical history, as well as any specific attendee requests for extending their stay or traveling with a partner, etouches' website tool was also utilized to provide additional information related to the location, accommodations, dress code, what to pack, etc. The team has also found success with the etouches' mobile event app.

Event Success

For its annual National Sales Managers Conference, the financial services company used Stova to plan the two-day offsite event in Sydney for more than 100 delegates comprised of top sales and senior executives.

Prior to the event, the company's events team sent registration invitations in a timely manner to maximize attendance. Delegates were then able to input all their information and preferences and receive an automatic email receipt once they completed registration. The team also used the marketing tool to send delegates email reminders, updates, and content information such as preconference work prior to attendance, so they knew what to expect when they arrived.

Post-event, staff sent thank you emails, links to photographs from the event and especially utilized Stova's survey function. With that tool alone, they could gauge how many delegates attended (as opposed to how many registered), what they liked and didn't like, as well as what they can improve on in the areas of content, food, and entertainment. "That ensures we are constantly improving our events and making things better for our attendees." Overall, since using Stova, the financial service company's events team has noticed the improvement of the customer response rate to attend events, as well as the ease of using the system, which both saves time and makes their job easier.

"I can honestly say that Stova has vastly improved the manner in which we touch our customers and internal staff accross all of our events. We really believe that Stova keeps moving the goal posts by continuous improvement and in their systems and capability."

Event Type: Internal Meetings
Employees: 147,000+ globally
Industry: finance/insurance

Ready to learn more?

Whether your event is virtual, hybrid, or in-person, enhance your attendee’s journey with an event ecosystem built for your audience. Ready to walk through Stova's event technology solutions? Schedule some time with us today.