What’s Wrong with the Current State of Data Security


Data Security is essential in a world full of technology, especially within the event industry. The pandemic caused many events to go virtual over the past year. Data attackers have noticed this, and have begun to take advantage of the circumstances. An increase in attacks makes data security more important than ever. Despite the importance…

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2021 Trends for the Event Industry

We’re staring at the first anniversary of the COVID-19 pandemic lock-down on the horizon, and our industry remains in flux. Sure, everyone has pivoted as best they can, moving to virtual and hybrid events as programming and timing would allow. Aside from more of the same, what else can we expect to see this year?…

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The Future of the Hybrid Event Model

training camp

Sometimes change grinds along slowly, and sometimes it happens at a pace that leaves us breathless. In the case of our industry, the lightning fast pivot to a hybrid style event may have been a surprise, and it is long overdue. Let’s look at three specific ways that a hybrid model adds value to every…

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27 Swag and Giveaway Ideas for Virtual Events

True to our indelible human spirit, we look for ways to adapt and thrive when faced with adversity. While in-person-only events fall away for now, leveraging virtual technology has become the new way forward for both hosting and attending large events such as conferences, trade shows, and exhibitions. As with all adaptation strategies, success relies on identifying…

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17 Questions to Ask in Your Virtual Post-Event Survey

What’s better than hearing about how your virtual event went, straight from the horse’s mouth? Post-event surveys have always been a reliable source of information for event planners to learn about the success of their event, where improvements can be made, and suggestions attendees may have for the future.  How should this practice be any different for…

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Why We as Event Professionals Need Failure to Succeed

Employees sharing drinks and networking at an internal business event held outside

In this crazy industry that I love, failure is inevitable. Fires will break out; blizzards will close roads and delay your keynote speakers; AC units will fail, and caterers will serve overripe avocado toast. It’s going to happen. When it does, it’s best to keep in mind this scientifically proven fact: A certain level of failure…

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The rise of the event technologist

Love your event

There’s no doubt technology has changed the event industry in profound ways. It’s fundamentally changed the roles of the professionals who work in this great industry of ours.  The good news? As a whole, event planners really love their work. According to Event Manager Blog research from last year, a whopping 89% of you said you love…

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Be a master cat wrangler at your next event

cat wrangler

“Managing an event can feel like a cat rodeo, with huge groups of people headed every which way and different things on their minds.” Amy Kelley, Global Digital Content Manager at GES, penned those words in her recent Corporate Event News article. And she’s 100 percent correct.  Anyone who’s ever been involved in event management knows those moments when…

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ATT Shape’s Seamless Brand Experience Registration Case Study

ATT Registration

About: Annual Developer Conference for AT&T developersIndustry: Entertainment technologyNumber of Registrants: 20,000Location: Warner Bros. Studios, Burbank CA  Key takeaway: You put a lot of resources into creating your brand; don’t lose that when your guests click the “register” button. AT&T has been growing their Developer Summit every year since 2006, and 20,000 people were expected to register for the 2019…

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15 Things to Remember When Planning Your Meeting Budget

In event planning, generating a return on your investment is always the goal. The first step is to start with your event budget, taking into consideration everything from dinner plates to your mobile event app. We’ve planned countless events, we’ve and learned a thing or two about how to manage an event budget along the…

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Stova named one of 22 event solutions to watch this year

At Stova, we are passionate about creating elegant and highly personalized event registration experiences, built to spec for our clients. And it looks like the event industry likes what we are putting out there. “Where other companies try to do everything, Stova is very focused on registration and doing it well,” notes this post on the 22…

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