49 Mobile App Stats For Planners

June 26, 2019

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With event technology on every planner’s mind, it’s important to have the facts to back up your tech choices. Mobile event apps are one of the most popular interactive technologies for planners, and with these facts, it’s no wonder why. Whether you’re looking for resources to support your budget appeals, or simply considering a new form of event tech to engage with your attendees, read on to ensure that you’re a mobile app stat expert!

The Power Of Mobile

Generally, mobile content has a lot of power as a method for information supply and engagement.

1. By 2020, there will be roughly 6 billion mobile users. (Source)
2. 75% of Internet users went online via a mobile device at the end of 2015.
3. There are more mobile Internet users than desktop Internet users; 52.7% of global Internet users access the Internet via mobile, and 75.1% of US Internet users access the Internet via mobile. (Source)
4. Only 25% of companies will fully integrate mobile into their overall business strategies to transform their customer experience. (Source)
5. 82% of people consult their phones regarding a purchase they’re about to make in a store. (Source)
6. More than half of all time spent on retail sites takes place on a mobile device. (Source)
7. In 2018, there were 194 billion mobile app downloads. (Source)
8. The average mobile user checks their smartphone 47 times a day. (Source)
9. In 2018, the average mobile user spent three hours a day on their smartphone. (Source)
10. Mobile app users in the United States have over 100 apps installed on their smartphone. (Source)
11. Mobile apps accounted for 57 percent of all digital media usage in 2018. (Source)
12. More than 46% of Americans will check their smartphones before getting out of bed. (Source)
13. Over 51% of smartphone users have discovered a new company or product while conducting a search on their smartphone. (Source)
14. Consumers now spend more than five hours a day on their smartphones. (Source)
15. 61% of mobile searchers are more likely to contact a local business if they have a mobile-friendly site. (Source)
16. Local searches lead 50% of mobile users to visit stores within one day. (Source)
17. 78% of location-based mobile searches result in an offline purchase. (Source)

The Need for Event Mobile Apps

So it’s clear that mobile is a powerful method, but why event mobile apps?

18. 32% of marketers report being dissatisfied with how they can measure Return on Objectives (ROO). (Source)

19. 70% of marketers say that the most common metric to judge event ROI is the amount of media exposure generated. (Source)

20. 59% of event planners predict that their use of event technology will increase. 39% think that it will remain the same and 1% think their event technology usage will decrease. (Source)

21. Nearly a quarter of marketers (23%) say they are not very satisfied with their ability to measure ROI, and 15% percent say they are not at all satisfied. (Source)

22. 60% of smartphone users are using their devices at social gatherings and events. (Source)

23. The amount of event apps has grown 20% year on year. (Source)

24. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics stated conventions and events are expected to expand by 44% from 2010 to 2020.

Attendee Engagement Stats

How can I get my attendees to become more engaged?

25. 91% of event planners have seen a positive return on investment from event apps. (Source)

26. The top 3 special features that event planners look for in an event app are, onsite registration 19%, registration within app 16%, and content capture 15%. (Source)

27. Consumers downloaded 178 billion apps in 2017 and that number is climbing. (Source)

28. For 47% of planners, event mobile apps are a Must-Have. (Source)

29. 81% of marketers are optimizing their social videos for mobile viewership. (Source)

30. Mobile now represents almost 7 in 10 digital media minutes, and smartphone apps alone account for half of all digital time spent. (Source)

31. App powered events generate 42% more social media impressions. (Source)

32. Adoption of event technology is increased by 35% when an event app and attendee portal are integrated. (Source)

33. 51% of early adopters report they are getting good results from their event technology investments. (Source)

34. 58.3% of event organizers are aware of live response apps and 41.7% use them. (Source)

35. 3% increase in the use of mobile event apps as part of event technology in 2019. (Source)

36. The top 3 features that event organizers want in an event app are, onsite registration 19%, registration within app 16%, and content capture 15%. (Source)

37. 44% of event marketers would like new event technology that provides analytics in order to improve the exhibitor and attendee experience. (Source)

Influence of Social Media on Mobile

Mobile apps that allow for shareable content are a great resource.

38. Instagram makes up 28.2% of Facebook’s mobile ad revenue. (Source)

39. 80% of people use Pinterest on mobile. (Source)

Mobile Marketing

Whether it’s email or digital advertising, mobile apps and mobile marketing go hand in hand.

40. Mobile advertising revenue is reported according to Facebook to represent approximately 93 percent of advertising revenue for Q1 2019. (Source)

41. Emails that display incorrectly on mobile may be deleted within three seconds. (Source)

42. 73% of companies surveyed prioritize mobile device optimization of emails. (Source)

43. Mobile users check their email three times more than non-mobile users. (Source)

44. 52% of customers are less likely to engage with a company because of bad mobile experience. (Source)

Mobile Email Marketing for Events

45. 35% of business professionals check email on a mobile device. (Source)

46. Both desktop and mobile ads deliver branding effectiveness, but mobile ads perform better. (Source)

47. Two-thirds of consumers can recall a specific brand they have seen advertised on mobile in the last week. (Source)

48. 70% of people dislike mobile ads. (Source)

49. Marketers and advertisers are putting 51% of their budget into mobile ads. (Source)

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