Applied Materials
93 sessions & 23,708 total session visits created with Stova
different sessions
total session visits
About Client
As the largest semiconductor manufacturing equipment company in the industry, Applied Materials is a leader in materials engineering solutions used to produce virtually every new chip and advanced display in the world. At regular intervals, Applied Materials holds a large field team conference to bring all the customer-facing personnel across the world together for training purposes and to drive networking and connectivity across the organization.
Applied Materials’ field team conference is one of the most valuable times for the company as it drives training, networking and connectivity. However, quantifying the value has been difficult.
With significant conference investment, Applied Materials needed to find a way to measure the success of their event with actionable insights. In 2017, they enlisted Stova to automate session tracking and to measure education hours for all attendees.
Applied Materials hosts this event to train all customer-facing personnel through informational product– focused sessions, and with interactive skill-sharpening activities.
In the past, conference attendees would check into sessions using either sign-in tools or QR codes. Not only were these methods distracting to each session, they were also extremely manual and time consuming to manage for the event coordination team.
In 2017, all 1,100 conference attendees were given Stova Smart Tags upon registration. They wore them continuously for the duration of the three-day event, passively collecting training credits with ease.
Before the conference began, the Stova Onsite Team placed 110 Stova Hubs throughout the venue. These sensors captured social interaction data in key locations including entrances and exits of general session rooms, breakout rooms, food areas, and common areas.
Applied Materials required attendees to stay for at least 10 minutes in a session to receive their training credits. As attendees walked in and out of the sessions, their complete dwell times totaled instantly and training credit reports were easily created by the event team for easy upload into Applied’s training system.
Stova's Analytics visibly provided information about the most popular sessions and also provided useful information about conference flow and logistics, like how many attendees showed up to meals each day.
Unlike previous conferences, Stova helped Applied Materials capture attendance data during training sessions with complete ease and accuracy. This was a win-win solution for both attendees and event organizers.
Attendees could collect 15 training hours without wasting time waiting in line to sign in, and Applied Materials at last had a detailed and accurate record of session attendance. They could see session attendance versus session registration and which session topics had the highest or lowest attendance rates.
Stova delivered this mission-critical event data to help the event team accurately measure collected training credits and identify key data points on each session topic. Stova also provided valuable data regarding overall meal headcount numbers and overall flow at the event.
With this new perspective, the event team can use Stova session data to identify popular topics and plan accordingly for the next event. They can invest their time, energy, and resources to be more efficient and effective, building a better event that accomplishes company goals and improved attendee experience at the same time.

Applied Materials
Location: Santa Clara, California
Founded: 1967
Employees: 21,000
Industry: Manufacturing
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Whether your event is virtual, hybrid, or in-person, enhance your attendee’s journey with an event ecosystem built for your audience. Ready to walk through Stova's event technology solutions? Schedule some time with us today.